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Tuesday, 20 March 2012

#BuyIndie.... Let's help our fellow authors. . . posted on 20 March 2012 by David Leadbeater

    For my next post I wanted to move in a different direction. To all the Whedonites out there, don't worry, I'm planning something for The Cabin in the Woods as soon as I get a handle on it.
    Anyway, I think it's mega-important to support our fellow Indie authors so I'm going to buy a new Indie Kindle book every other day for the foreseeable future and post the details here, including links and Twitter ID's. 
    I know this kind of thing is already being practiced out there, but this is one of my small contributions and I hope some other #indie 's are inspired to do their own thing too!

Happy #indie Reading!

1. Leiyatel's Embrace by Clive S Johnson    http://tinyurl.com/7dv3uh5  
Twitter ID - @Clive_SJohnson

2. Crossfire BY Niki Savage 


Twitter ID @nikisavage

3. Dark Pool by Helen Hanson

Twitter ID @HelenHanson

4. Jaguar Sun by Martha Bourke

Twitter ID @martha_bourke

5.Gray Justice by Alan Mcdermott

Twitter ID @Jambalian

6. Danger Undercover by Charity Parkerson

Twitter ID @charityparkerso

7. Bluewater Killer by CLR Dougherty

    Twitter ID @clrdougherty

8. Regarding Dead Things by the side of the Road by Benjamin x Wretlind

Twitter ID @bxwretlind

9. Bone Dressing by Michelle I Brooks

Twitter ID @MichelleIBrooks

10. Cassidy Jones and the Secret Formula by Elise Stokes

Twitter ID @CassidyJonesAdv

11. The Templar Agenda by John Paul Davis
      Twitter ID @unknown_templar



